Paralysis Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy deals with treatment and/or rehabilitation of patients suffering from restriction, pain or discomfort in the natural movement of body parts or functions. The key motto and rationale behind the entire treatment schedule is to draft a stage-by-stage plan of a well-calibrated procedure of linearly increasing the intensity of the activity to gradually strengthen and stimulate the body part to its normal working.

It includes physical exercises, individualistic movements, using machines or electrotherapy. Paralysis physiotherapy treatment is a course’ comprising of a set of precise exercises, aimed at bringing the movement back to the affected body parts.

What is Paralysis?

Paralysis, it can be said, is one of the extreme bodily conditions in terms of external bodily functions wherein the affected part (or the entire body) either ceases to function or has a minimal natural functionality left. Moreover, there is not only loss of physical movement but, usually, also the sensation. Paralysis [attack] is usually attributed to stroke, nerve injury or any other stimulus that can cause damage to the nervous system.

As the spinal cord is the de facto custodian of the nervous system, any aggravation or injury to it is also a known cause. Paralysis physiotherapy treatment assists in bringing the sensation and the movement back.

Treatment of Paralysis :-

Paralysis by its nature is a very treacherous condition to treat, but with properly drafted guided schedule the recovery can be achieved to a full or a partial extent. Another adding factor to the complexity of the treatment is the point that the patient is usually bed ridden.

The extent of recovery is a juxtaposition of how grievous the paralysis is and what skills, experience, process-centric approach is accessible at the clinic undertaking the treatment.

Irrespective of the cause, the key mantra in recovery from paralysis is establishing a connection between the bodily functions/movements [motor functions] and the nervous system [sensory functions]. Or, simply amending the damaged connection between the brain and the body is the key aim of paralysis treatment.

From the information shared until now, it is obvious that one cannot put enough stress on how important paralysis physiotherapy treatment plays in the entire schema.

Start Immediately : The golden tenet the sooner the better’ applies to the paralysis patients as far as the paralysis physiotherapy treatment is concerned as it aids the process of increase in the blood flow, that stimulates the nervous system. Paralysis physiotherapy should be started earnestly as it also ensures the curbing of any further progression. If the treatment course is not undertaken soon enough, you may just be consigned to your bed much longer.

Physical Conditioning
The is the initiation as it builds the stamina for the ensuing rigorous regime. This includes passive and active exercises. The passive exercises are administered with external help which could be a machine or your physiotherapist.


  1. Core
    – For the core, there would be a combination of rotation at your trunk, where while being assisted your body is moved from one side to another using the belly region as the fulcrum. Hip bone and the spinal cord would be stimulated by raising your leg in a way that the knee folds and touches your chest. To expedite the recovery of your feet movement, your legs need to be raised, knee folded and brought to a position parallel to the ground and the entire foot would be rotated.

2. Legs

Strengthening the legs would be achieved by stretching your legs forward and hold them for a stipulated time (and increasing with each repetition).

The second exercise is administered by replicating a cycling movement, whilst supporting your knees your legs are periodically extended outwards and inwards one after another.

3. Arm

– The passive/active arm exercises are aimed at the arm, elbow, and shoulders. The arms are strengthened by enacting a punching routine, where while being assisted [with fists closed] your arms are extended alternatively in a punching action. The elbows are strengthened by replicating the dumbbell hand movement exactly like the arms exercise. The shoulders are exercised by clasping both hands together, keeping them on your chest and your elbows are lifted.

4. Breathing

– If the patient is fully immobile, then assisted by the physiotherapist breathing exercise are administered aimed at increasing the oxygen flow. In case the patient is able to move, then custom designed aided aerobics are administered.

Evidently, paralysis physiotherapy treatment is not a walk in the park and as such, it requires the intervention of a professional hand. Speaking of professionalism, our staff fully understand the dynamics of paralysis and will see to it that they adapt the best physiotherapy treatment for your condition. Contact us today and make that bold decision towards the recovery of your health.

For Further Enquiry

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+603 – 5524 0653 (hotline 1)
+603 – 5510 1009 (hotline 2)

Our Location

Klinik Noridah
VG30, Jalan Plumbum V 7/V, Pusat Komersial Seksyen 7
40000 Shah Alam, Selangor
